

A First Fall Recap

Autumn and its golden splendor unfurls in fiery fashion, and this first week of fall was a roller-coaster of sun and rain, fun and pain. Though it was predicted that my last day on earth would be September 23, 2021, I sailed through as if I was still just in my 40’s. Today, Suzie and I are making a trip to Vermont to celebrate fall and see what we can find left from childhood memories. On with the recap…

Autumn architecture.

Summer ended in a haze of shades of gray.

It promised to return in better form next year.

The arrival of autumn claimed better weather than the sunny season.

Abba and fall made for a thrilling combination

Closing out summer in Boston with cousin Tyler

That pesky prediction of my early demise

And my prickly return to life

Mum’s the word.

The giving tree.

Making finger sandwiches for the family.

The splendiferous shades of this fall season on ALANILAGAN.com

Dazzlers of the Day included Marin Hinkle and Sander Jennings.

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