

A Final Recap for February

We still have one more week of this awful month to go, and Mercury remains in retrograde, so it looks to be a trying one. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday this week, not that it means what is used to mean for a lapsed Catholic/former altar boy such as myself. All sorts of vexing traumas are rekindled with this time of the year, and new ones are being born every day it seems. On with this recap so we can end it sooner.

There were winter warnings because the season is far from over. 

My new iPhone is a pleasant shade of seafoam. 

When the world swerves out of focus, get into your underwear.

The best way to bear a burden is to share it. 

Sniffing around memory triggers.

The #TinyThreads resurfaced because of a bathroom incident. 

The unmindful shower (warning: minor male nudity).

How to inhabit the body in downtown Albany.

Boston beckoning.

The kind of coat you can’t wear.

Saddest coupling of words: Author Unknown.

It took me three decades to finally learn how to do this

Hunks of the Day included Nick Pulos, Duayne Boachie, Rick Cosnett, Erik Steinhagen, and Markus Thormeyer

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