

A Festive Weekly Recap

The holidays are in full swing here, with gatherings and parties and good cheer. Around this time, the stress tends to get to me, as much as I have planned and plotted, and everything comes so quickly I have to remind myself to stop, honor and enjoy the moment, and remember what really matters. A quick look back then, before we re-enter season of hustle and bustle…

Some office humor, and how to read my e-mails

Holiday retail fun

Rainbows and unicorns. That’s all.

Holiday bros

A rosemary pomegranate cocktail

Christmas greens

The 2018 Holiday Stroll: Part One, Part Two and Part Three

Follow these #TinyThreads to deeper thoughts. 

Hunks of the Day included Dave Marshall (seen in the featured pics here), Brad PaisleyBaptiste Giabiconi, Kevin HartGonçalo Teixeira and Jarrod Spector.

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