

A Family and Poop-Fueled Recap

While a stomach flu threw a wrench in most of the plans for this past week, shit still managed to get done, and as we close out this wretched and final full month of winter I want only to race forward. Big things are happening this week, as we mark the official 20th anniversary of when this website went live way back in 2003. Two decades baby! But first, a look back at the last week as we always do on Monday morning.

Things began in fine family form with a sleepover with the twins, a trip to Saratoga, and a family dinner wherein Jaxon Layne made his first visit to our home. 

From there, it was shit city, as that nasty stomach flu that’s been going around hit me hard. I’m still awaiting that first solid bowel movement, which I’m confident will be as glorious as everyone is imagining it to be. #StayStrong

A bouquet of tulips to ease the winter pain. 

Unhappy Ass Wednesday.

Can we talk?

There’s always room for Jello!

A gratuitous and shirtless Shawn Mendes post.

Madonna’s best album ever, ‘Ray of Light’, celebrated its 25th anniversary

My baby brother celebrated his 46th trip around the sun

The Madonna Timeline fittingly returned from the dead with ‘Come Alive’

When the winter gets icky and messy

Spoiler alert: Twitter still sucks.

Dazzlers of the Day included Corey Feldman, Brenden Sanborn, Omar Apollo, and Micah McLaurin.

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