
A Chip Among Other Things

Which of these objects doesn’t belong? 

For my Virgo ass, just about all of them, including that wrinkled, dirty tablecloth.

But also the pruning shears, the scissors (how much do we need to cut?), the empty vase, and the plastic fertilizer measuring spoon. 

I’ll allow the bottle of Mrs. White’s Unstung Hero Insect Repellent, as it is mandatory in this humid buggy season (and its tea-like fragrance is actually quite pleasant). 

And then this cute creature. 

The chipmunk named Chip.

(Confession: we name them all Chip to make it easy.)

While we don’t usually allow the wildlife onto the table, we let this one slide. It’s my fault for leaving a few papery scraps of a lumpia wrapper that I had outside the other day. This little guy was so well-behaved I couldn’t open the backdoor to startle him away until he had finished his tiny meal. The winter will do its worst to starve him later on – maybe this small act of kindness will lend one creature some relief. He rewarded us with a bashful pose. 

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