

A Brutally Cold Recap

We’ve had quite the frigid spell of late, which has kept me house-bound more than I’d like, and made things doubly-difficult when in the midst of home improvements and a far-from-fully-functional kitchen. However, progress continues, and that forms the majority of what went on here this past week. (New Year’s in Boston posts to come… if you’re good.)

Christmas came but a short while ago, but I still want More.

Lucky #13: the end of a project.

The year came to a not-quite-perfect close, but that made for a not-quite-uninteresting epic recap: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

Since the word of the year was ‘selfie‘, let’s look to James Franco to tell us all about it.

The eve of eves.

The days and nights may have grown bitterly cold, but there were naked male celebrities to keep things hot, especially with the shirtless likes of Brent Corrigan, Tyson Ballou, Ben Cohen, David Agbodji, Clarke Wesley, Brad Kroenig, and Wilson Cruz.

Even more exciting than a bunch of nude male celebrities. however, was the renovation of our kitchen. It’s come a long way, from the bare bones and wooden studs to an orange floor and the first bit of light at the end of the tunnel. There was a minor missing-finger-mishap, but the end result is coming together, and already looking like it’s going to be worth it all.

Throughout it all, my other home in Boston provided safety and sanctuary.

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