

A BroSox Adventure Begins Anew

Our annual Red Sox game weekend begins tomorrow, as Skip and I make our way to Boston for a game. I’m told the Sox aren’t performing in stellar fashion these days (my nice way of saying someone said they suck) but that doesn’t matter. To change things up a bit, we are doing a few things differently this year, starting with seats way out in right field. Or left field. One of the fields. In the bleachers. I was toying with the idea of bleaching my hair for the event, but that felt extreme for one game. If it was a double header I might have done it, but that will have to wait for another year. This time it’s one game, one night, and I don’t have the energy to be blonde right now.

We’re also going to aim for keeping things casual and cheap – a grand departure from, well, my entire life, but I’m game. It makes packing and planning easier when I only need a pair of sneakers, some ratty shirts, and a pair of shorts or jeans. Maybe that’s why most of my straight guy friends are so mellow – they don’t stress out over dressing well. I could get into that. Come to think of it, a lot of my gay friends do the same thing. Actually, maybe I’m the only person I know who makes such an effort to dress up anymore. This weekend I shall join the masses.

Other new forays, at least for Skip and I together, include Cambridge and Chinatown. We tend to stay closer to the condo – Copley, Newbury, the South End – with the occasional T-ride to Faneuil Hall. We’ll expand our repertoire, at least we’ll attempt it. The best-laid plans have a way of slipping into old habits. We’ve been doing this long enough that the years are blending together, but each trip has its own highlights and moments of demarcation. I can’t wait to see what those will be this time.

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