

A Brisk November Recap

Tsk, tsk, tsk… brisk, brisk, brisk. It’s a bad sign when one starts channeling laundry detergent commercial jingles from the 80’s, and so soon in the week. No matter, the schedule is about to get very busy, and the holidays are right around the corner, so anticipation is in the air. There’s nothing I like better. Upcoming tour stops include Boston this weekend, followed by New York the following weekend, and then it will be Thanksgiving. I’ve already taken out the recipe for candied yams. (This year I’m adding orange zest – eek!!!) On with the recap before charging ahead.

The advent of the holidays means more time coming up in Amsterdam, where this delicious dinner was held.

It also means more time with these twins. (And more opportunities for dress-up.)

Laying low when the moon is high (and full).

A Hunk by the name of Zack Hartwanger needs no other introduction.

Vintage nakedness, always in season.

Blue sky, blue hair, red leaves.

Male model Dustin McNeer stole the Hunk of the Day show.

A lazy post.

Immaculate iconographer Troy Gua makes good face.

Jess Vill got his second crowning as Hunk of the Day, as did Gregory Nalbone.

Finally, no matter how brisk, some still got their naked bits and bobs out.

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