
A Blazing Recap

Of course we get the best pool weather we’ve had in years in the weeks where our pool is out of commission. I’m chalking it up to the disaster that is 2020 and the current loveliness that is Mercury in retrograde. 

These chocolate crush cookies famously made at the Levain Bakery find a homemade approximation that is doused in deliciousness

These #TinyThreads made for some light summer reading. 

Giving the sideyard some loving

The BLT: the only summer sandwich. 

A midweek respite, like an oasis.

Typically of 2020, another disappointing moment

Hang on my little tomatoes!

This year’s BroSox Adventures are on hiatus given the state of the world… so Skip and I went back in time for this placeholder

The first day of a summer that would not hesitate. 

Turning cocktails into mocktails with an equally sunny disposition. 

Happy Father’s Day to Dads near and far.

A song for the second day of summer.

The Hunks of the Day returned with Pablo Alborán and Christian Cooper.

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