‘There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature.’ – Jane Austen
Every time I get an e-mail from Regal Cinemas, it’s like a little jab to the heart. A bittersweet reminder of our current state of affairs, it seems to affect Skip the same way, as he texted he couldn’t follow the Regal Twitter account anymore because it was too painful. I knew exactly what he meant. We have lost our movie nights for the moment, and so much else in the midst of this pandemic. That finally started hitting home with me this past week, when the weight of the winter, and our current conditions, fell fully upon my countenance.
Maybe it’s just the accumulation of almost a year of living like this. Maybe it’s just the void of those human connections which I’ve had such a love-hate relationship with all these years coming into irrefutable existence. Maybe it’s just a simple case of stir-crazy restlessness caused from the lack of going anywhere all these months.
To combat this, I’ve been formulating and working through several remedies, all top-secret in the event they find fruition in a project or something else, and living in such mind-scapes isn’t fancy or make0believe – it’s survival.
Skip has hopes we will be back in the movie-going game in some way shape or form by next fall. I’m hoping for something even sooner, because hope is all we have, and I’m going to indulge and refute pessimism for as long as I can. We’ve had enough of that here. Let’s have hope now.
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