

A Belated Recap

After a weekend of The Delusional Grandeur Tour Book and its darker midsection, I decided to offer some relief to those of you not enamored by my crotch covered only in a devil’s mask. As such, my Holiday Stroll recap spilled into the usual Monday morning round-up of the previous week’s posts, so here we have that look-back now. And a little later, a recap of the Boston Holiday Children’s Hour.

Don’t just stand there, let’s get to it!

The wise words of Cher.

Roses in December – disturbing but no less pretty.

A vicious murder in Sparrow Park mars the seasonal joy.

The Delusional Grandeur Tour Book resumed in gruesome fashion.

The ‘Animal Demons’ section included pig masks and an ax. (Along with some ass seed.)

But that was nothing compared to the bunny-fucking. Now that is how you exorcize a scary Easter Bunny.

(And no, I didn’t really fuck that rabbit, no matter what it looked like.)

Holiday Hunks included Sage Northcutt, Sawyer Hartman, Jake Quickenden, and a pair of Ryas: Ryan Rose and Ryan Ball.

Best of all, however, was a three part Holiday Stroll with my friend Kira. Our annual event is going on its 4th or 5th year now, and this year was a doozy. It is probably one of the most fun holiday events I get to do. Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 are all up now.

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