

A Basic Christmas Wish List

We have arrived at Black Friday, that infamous day of holiday shopping, and one in which I never take part. This is absolutely the very best day of the year to be at the office. It’s quiet, it’s calm, and you can catch up on things without much interruption. As for the shopping mayhem, it’s amateur hour at the malls and stores, kind of like how Halloween is for me and costumes. Every other day of the year it a shopping day for me, so we’ll let the masses go about their buying frenzy. 

In the event that anyone wants to shop for me this holiday season, my Amazon wish list has recently been brought up to date here. For bigger list items, contact Andy, as he has the list of extra-special requests, which includes the feature photo. Currently my fragrance obsession is the line of perfumes from The Harmonist, discovered on this magical trip to New York City a few weeks ago. ‘Magnetic Woods’ and ‘Hypnotizing Fire’ both captured my fancy, and it takes a lot to capture my fancy these days. Their hefty price tag puts them out of range mostly, much like Tom Ford’s latest Private Blend ‘Black Lacquer’, which totally works with our Fade-to-Back theme of fall, but doesn’t merit it’s exorbitant cost. 

All of this seems rather silly, doesn’t it? The state of the world being what it is, and the state of my own mid-life – if I should be so presumptuous to think I’ll live almost to a hundred – makes this whole gift requesting feel foolish and frivolous. Those are my stocks in trade, however, and if it’s the only way to feel love these days I might as well reach for the stars. Or at the very least a lovely fragrance… 

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