

2016: The Wretched Year in Review ~ Part 3

Summer bloomed, and the sunny, steamy stretch of months that stretched out allowed for some tranquility and peace: the relaxed hazy state of heat and poolside fun. This summer was a state of suspended emotion, some good and some bad, all of it portending the fall that would inevitably follow. We embraced the sunshine as much as we could.

July 2016:

The Samsara Healing Water portion of The Delusional Grandeur Tour Book continued with Part ThreePart Four and Part Five.

Summer has always meant family gatherings by the pool, and the Ilagan twins continued that time-honored tradition.

The Delusional Grandeur Tour headed into its final (or so we thought) stretch, with the posting of the Spring Thaw Salvation segment ~ Part One and Part Two.

August 2016:

By far the biggest month this little website has ever had, August brought us an Olympic-sized bump (thanks to the Summer Olympic Games) resulting in 20 million hits for that month alone. This sort of thing only happens once every four years (but we’ll try to cut it down to two with the Winter Olympics). At any rate, there were a ton of shirtless and naked Olympians on display, so enjoy.

The Delusional Grandeur Tour continued the Spring Thaw Salvation ~ Part Three, Part Four and Part Five.

In honor of the Summer Olympics, the Olympic Spotlight was a new feature, showing off the talents of Adam Peaty, Race ImbodenMarcel NguyenMarcelo ChierighiniChad Le Clos, Ryan Held, Zac Efron look-alike Michael Hixon, Brinn BevanAmini Fonua, Matt Anderson, Joseph Schooling, Christoph Harding, Anthony ErvinDiego Hypolito, Eleftherios Petrounias, Kristian Ipsen, Marc Minguell, Kevin MayerPhilippe Gagne,

September 2016:

The month that summer officially retired, September carried its own beauty, as vestiges of the heat and sun remained. Too many people throw away this month away too soon, forgetting that there is more than back-to-school specials going on. There are pool days, beach days, sunny days, and summer days still to be had. We had them, and then some.

{One more post to come, and it’s one that closes out the year in dim winter fashion. Fall most definitely fell, and winter was not far behind. Summer always went too soon…}

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