

Channeling Christmas Calm

Unlike a hurricane, there is no calm center to the holiday maelstrom of mayhem that will only build and build until the explosive climax of Christmas comes in less than ten days. With that in mind, this morning begins with the soft light of a candle, and the quiet melody of seasonal songs given a delicate piano make-over. 

Next week marks the winter solstice – as far from summer as we can get on the calendar, and as far from light. Dipping into the shortest days of the year is often trying, but soon the daylight will elongate, adding seconds of sun into each day, slowly building and brightening. I hold that thought and the hope that comes with it. 

To alleviate the darkness, we will have Christmas, and candlelight, and the calm that can be conjured when we are reminded of the stillness that is always there, apparent only when we sit quietly with ourselves and our thoughts. 

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