

Welcome to the Team, Matt Dallas

Everybody comes out differently. Most of us do it privately, to a few select friends or family, and then to the general public as our lives  unfold. Some of us do it boldly and unabashedly, defiantly appearing on the cover of Time Magazine (Ellen DeGeneres) or proclaiming it in a Letter to the Editor (me). Some are dragged out kicking and screaming after years of veiled avoidance (Ricky Martin and Anderson Cooper). And some people do it with a simple Tweet, announcing an engagement to a boyfriend. The latter was the case with actor Matt Dallas, who Tweeted the following: “Starting off the year with a new fiancé, @bluehamilton. A great way to kick off 2013!?”

Blue Hamilton would be a gay musician who is now the fiancé of Mr. Dallas. It’s refreshing how casual and simple this was, and all the more exciting because of it. No matter how you publicly come out, it’s always something to celebrate. It means a certain freedom from hiding, a liberation from fear. It also means you’ve finally accepted the person God made you to be. Best wishes and congratulations to Matt Dallas ~ welcome to the greatest club in the world!

(PS – Congrats on your engagement too. Sometimes – most of the time – love is more important than sexuality. )

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