

The Gay Soirée: Fashionable Indulgence

In the barren stretch of this drab winter, everyone needs a beacon of sparkling hope to see us through. For me, that’s going to be The Gay Soirée – and you are cordially invited to join me. In keeping with the glamorous nature of the evening, I’ve been working on an outfit that is designed to be both funky and fabulous, with a racy juxtaposition of masculine and feminine to go with the gender-bending bohemian acceptance of the night. Drag queens and drag kings will bump padded shoulders with the most fashionable style harbingers of Albany (and beyond).

When dressing for a party as spectacular as this upcoming one, it’s important to plan your wardrobe in advance. It gives you time for tailoring, time for accessorizing, and time for taking test photographs. There’s nothing worse than realizing your nipples (or your junk) can be seen in the harsh light of a camera flash. Though for this event, that may not be a bad thing. (Also, if you get your tickets in advance of this event, you can save $20 on each. In other ways, it pays, literally, to plan ahead.)

For an event like The Gay Soirée, over-the-top excess is expected, and the more glamorous and flamboyant, the better. This is not an evening to blend in. This is a chance to show off – and I intend to do just that. In other words, get your tickets now.

{ The Gay Soirée will take place on Saturday, February 8, 2014 at The State House located at 142 State Street. VIP Tickets are available for $75, which includes a VIP reception hour with a wine bar; Regular tickets are available now for $45. If tickets remain, they will be available the night of the event for $65. All proceeds go directly to the Capital Pride Center.}

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