

Shout-out to HomoRadio

It’s always a joy to visit HomoRadio. I used to go on when I was hosting 1st Friday events at the Romaine Brooks Gallery, so when they asked Andy and I to stop by for a fun segment on marriage, we returned and talked about what brought us together way back when. Currently in their 23rd year of production (they debuted in 1992!) HomoRadio continues to offer compelling dialogue and up-to-date news of local events with an LGBTQ slant.

Dr. Ray, Sean, Ulysses and Dave are engaging personalities who bring listeners together from around the world. Along with news producer Joe Galu, they’ve created a vital and vibrant forum that was once lacking from our local cultural landscape. Doing anything for over two decades is an accomplishment, but to have a gay-themed show in 1992 was a groundbreaking experience. In a world before the internet, most of us had to scramble and search to find others like us. A radio show was a way of reaching people who needed to feel less alone.

In the ensuing decades, our community has made great strides, and HomoRadio has chronicled every step along the way. They’ve become a cornerstone of Albany’s tapestry, growing alongside the Capital Pride Center and consistently joining in the Capital Region’s dialogue on what it means to be gay today.

It’s also just great fun to hear my friends have this party every Sunday – and the best part of being on the radio is that it doesn’t matter what you wear. (As evidenced below in Versace – and backed by Dr. Ray’s car.)

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