

Girls Gone Wild

When the Duchess says she’s putting on a Madonna Show, you go. This weekend Andy and I attended our first drag show in a couple of years, thanks to the efforts of Duchess Ivanna, Penny Larceny and a bevy of beauties. Everyone who has seen these ladies perform know that they don’t mess around – and this was no exception. From Ms. Larceny’s opening scorcher ‘Girl Gone Wild’ to the closing brilliance of Ms. Ivanna’s turn as an elegant Eva Peron in ‘Don’t Cry For Me Argentina‘, it was an evening of Madonna-centric magic.

The Duchess is staking a new claim for the Albany drag scene, bringing back old-fashioned blood-sweat-and-tears performances, something that Ms. Larceny has been doing for a while now. Every time she comes back (and it’s been a few times now), she’s a little stronger, a little fiercer, and a little more powerful. One of her greatest inspirations has always been Madonna, and on a night dedicated to the gay icon, it brought out the best in everyone. Condragulations to everyone at Rocks for putting on a great show.

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