

Gay Pride: Albany vs. Boston

 Happy Gay Pride to Albany and Boston! In the pendulum-like swing-act I’ve been forced to perform in the past decade-plus that Albany’s Gay Pride weekend has coincided with Boston’s, this year I’m back in Albany (weather-permitting, of course) and looking forward to the little parade around the park. It’s not really fair to compare the two, so I won’t, but each has proven a valuable reminder of everything that so many people are still fighting for – equality, respect, and, yes, pride. As the years pass, I hear more and more that people are beginning to question whether the notion of Gay Pride is even necessary. I’ve wondered that myself. In an ideal world, I don’t think it would be, but this world is far from ideal, and until that time comes, Pride is a relevant and vital way of remembering, celebrating, and propagating acceptance of people who haven’t always been accepted. I don’t think I’ll reach the point in my lifetime when it’s not needed. Some things should never be forgotten.

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