
Tropical The Landlocked Breeze

Island breezes are few and far between in these landlocked parts, but things have certainly felt tropical here. While I’ll never complain about summer being too sunny and warm, I also wilt like a hothouse flower in extreme heat. The plants and garden, however, are loving it. Our pair of fountain bamboo plants have sent up about a dozen stalks into the warm air, rising and rising but not yet releasing their foliage. It feels like they are behind, but I’ve lost track of their timing so maybe this is all as it should be. There are still almost two months of summer left.

Water droplets on banana leaves in upstate New York look gloriously incongruent to the tropical locales they naturally frequent. Along with a couple of palms, they are giving a very tropical vibe to our back patio, which retains pink elements of our coquette summer

Let’s have a quasi-tropical song then, where all of nature is wild and free – this is where we long to be…

Summer drains of a little color of late, the flowers in the gardens largely spent, the fresh bright green now watered down into deeper hues, or dried up into brown and tan like many of the ferns at this point. Yes, I’m hinting at fall, the way the slant of the sun has hinted at it, the way it always does this time of the year. 

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