
Too Late For Lent

The Lenten rose is one of the first plants to bloom every year, and this one proved no exception. That didn’t mean it was early. Our whole spring got off to a late start, and it still doesn’t really feel here other than in fast fits and false-starts. The lingering cool and wet weather has lengthened the duration of the spring flower show. For the most part, these blooms come and go awfully quickly, burned by a suddenly-scorching sun or torn asunder by violent storms. That we have had them stick around for so long is the silver-lining to the relentless march of clouds and rain we’ve had.

I’ve extolled the merits of the Lenten rose a number of times here, so I won’t repeat any of that. It does bear mentioning that this is one of the very first perennials I planted when we moved into our home way back in 2002, and it still comes up faithfully every year. That makes this particular specimen seventeen years old. Like the magazine.

Our baby is almost grown up now.

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