

Saving a Bit of Summer Inside

This magnificent lace-leaf philodendron was a quick, unplanned purchase in late spring. After several less-than-stellar investments in this large pot (failed junipers, evergreens, and red-twigged dogwoods) I didn’t bother with anything other than a common home-improvement store specimen, which was only about a foot and a half tall.

Now it’s about three feet high and five to six feet wide after a successful summer on the sunny front porch, lots of water and plant food, and just a touch of love. I texted around and finally found someone willing to take it in before the first hard frost withers it to the ground. My pal Heath picked it up and will try to transition it into indoor life. I’m just thankful it has a chance. We don’t have the room or the light for it, and it’s too beautiful and doing too well to simply give up on it. 

It’s also rather valuable – I saw two philodendrons at Faddegon’s of roughly the same size and stature – one was $187 and the other was $247! That means this will double as Heath’s birthday present, whether he knows it or not. 

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