

Return to Lilium

One of the best summer flowers for color and spectacle in the garden is the lily. There are true lilies, from the Lilium genus, and day-lilies, which are actually a perennial called Hemerocallis. For this post, I’m just talking about the true lilies, which come from a bulb, and are available in all sizes, shapes, and colors. Their widely-ranging variety lends them useful for creating a summer-season-long run of blooms.

Sadly for us, these bulbs are adored by all the creatures we have roaming in the underground labyrinth of tunnels they’ve created, and I’ve never been able to get a safely-robust stand of them going. We had an Oriental variety that managed to escape their wrath for a few years, but it eventually ended up dying out. 

Given the renaissance of iris we’ve had, I may try again, because such beauty is worth the effort.

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