
Like A Lily

The hosta flower spikes often sneak in and sneak out without much fanfare or notice. They arrive at the height of summer, when far more showy flowers are showing off and stealing the focus. Sometimes, they stay hidden beneath the hosta’s handsome foliage until the last moment and I miss them entirely, especially if there are days when the rain keeps me inside. 

There have been a number of those days recently. 

The hosta flower is like a lily, and some varieties carry the most delicate and elegant fragrance, held close to its petals and only found when you bring yourself right next to its beauty

Mid-August is when the garden begins its wind-down. Summer has more than a month to go, but we sense what’s coming. Andy just remarked that the sun is different in the sky. I knew exactly what he meant – it carries a different shade – softer in its focus, but sharper in its shade and color. A mix of factors, a mix of emotions. 

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