

Ferning Up

This appears to be a day of green, as we follow the green light of Gatsby with this ferny post exemplifying the splendor of the Ostrich Fern. It is the best time to appreciate the unfurling fronds of this fern variety, as they are at their freshest and most chartreuse hue. They will happily retain much of this color throughout the season, though if it’s a hot and sunny one without ample water these will begin their burn-out in late July. The trick is to keep them watered well for as long as possible, as you can stave off the turn, but you cannot stop it once it begins. As in so many other instances prevention is key. 

Along with their stunning shade of green, ostrich ferns also provide great architectural interest in the garden, with their magnificent fronds, particular in the early unfurling stages. Once opened up, they arch gracefully – surprisingly stalwart in wind and rain – though they will get tattered if brushed by branches or wayward wanderers in their space. Such beauty doesn’t come without a bit of carefulness. 

For now, all is freshness and verdant promise – the very best qualities of any fern worth such ample space in the garden (and the ostrich ferns will demand a decent stretch of space and then completely claim it, particularly if there’s a steady source of water). 

Spring is in full effect, even if it’s been a bit on the slow side. Summer will likely simply click on without any transitory relief and we will simply have to go with the flow. You know you can do it.

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