

A Visitor All Abuzz

A visitor all abuzz lands on the central crown of a Helianthus flower, soaking in the sun and the pollen and nectar. It is the epitome of a summer scene, repeated countless times in our backyard as our cup plants and perennial sunflowers draw in the birds and bees and butterflies, all happily going about their pollinating business. 

These flowers are keeping the summer garden going strong, but I sense they are cresting, and the gradual decline in blooms and exuberance is about to begin, signaling the slow slide to fall. We’re not quite ready for that, as it’s been such a glorious summer, but we are also powerless against time. Our only recourse is to soak in every moment and be as present as possible when the sun is shining and the bees are buzzing. 

Enjoy your weekend, friend. 

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