

A Bee on the Lips, A Fall Full of Hips

For almost all the plants in our garden, I follow a strict regimen of dead-heading as soon as they finish their bloom cycle. (Obvious exceptions include vegetables such as tomatoes.) In the case of Rosa rugosa, I will also make an exception a bit later in the summer. One of the more striking attributes of this species of rose is its brilliant rose hips come fall – in shades of green, yellow, orange and red – changing and evolving like peppers. 

The only way to ensure a crop is to let the blooms go to seed (after a visiting pollinator like this bee finishes its work) which drains some of the energy of the plant. In the case of such a strong species, however, it doesn’t do much damage – and the fruit at the end is worth it. Fall comes with precious little other stuff to appreciate; we will need all the help we can get to make those days a bit cheerier.

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