

Dream Bread

Like many kids, my favorite part of an Italian meal at certain restaurants was the garlic bread that started the dinner. At the Armory Grill in Amsterdam, NY, they offered an opening salvo of extra deliciousness in a spinach garlic bread – something I have not had or seen since. It was buttery and garlicky, and the spinach was just lightly distributed among the folds of the dough. I could have devoured the entire bowl of it, though every piece was equitably doled out because we all loved it so much. 

Since those childhood days, I’ve often thought about that spinach bread. It has haunted me happily for four decades, yet for some reason I never thought of trying to re-create it. Having conquered my fear of yeast, and rolling out dough, it might be time. Suzie has been encouraging me to try it out, and it is definitely a worthy goal. This effort came close – I added butter to the olive oil and garlic before wilting the spinach, then sprinkled some Italian seasoning and mozzarella cheese. The bread best open in the oven, but the taste was good. I think the cheese was too much. Next time I’ll simplify it and see if the spinach and butter and garlic is enough. 

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