

Cinnamon Roll Start

Check the date, have some newly-legal fun, and come back to visit this page during the day as I’ve decided to populate the posts with food stuff. That means if you’re having a case of the munchies, you might find some inspiration here. (Later on I’ll describe an amazing spinach bread I’m trying to find after forty years of being haunted by its deliciousness.) 

For the morning, here’s a batch of cinnamon rolls I made for work this week. Using the dough recipe from these lemon cardamom rolls, I switched out the citrus for cinnamon, and the cardamom for chopped pecans. For the frosting, I used butter and crisco as the base eliminating the cream cheese entirely. It was a magical transformation, and a hit for all who tried it. 

Come back in a bit for that spinach bread search and another food hit… and smoke ’em if you’ve got ’em.

Happy 4/20!! 

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