

A Recipe in Prose

Gleaned from the pages of the New York Times Magazine, this knock-off version of a Sausage, Kale & Potato Soup replaces the sausage with a kielbasa, and it’s a switch that lends a smoky and salty edge to the kale, negating the need for any additional sprinkling of white stuff.

I sliced up a simple pre-cooked kielbasa and sautéed it on medium heat, rendering a bit of the fat and slightly browning the pieces of kielbasa. To this, I added a large onion (chopped), then two large potatoes (peeled and diced) and about 5 cups of chopped kale (I cheated and bought the washed and chopped kale in a big-ass bag). A lot goes a little way, though it keeps its roughage and integrity far better than spinach.

As things began to wilt, I added a large carton of chicken broth (low sodium, since no one is getting any younger) and a heaping Tablespoon of Balsamic vinegar. Grind some peppercorns into the pot and, once it comes to a boil, turn it down to simmer for an hour or two. The end result is spectacular, and kale is good for you!

I’ll try the original using sausage in the future, but for now this was a pleasant reminder of my grandma, who loved kielbasa. (And a good head on her beer – her words, not mine.)

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