

A Quest for the Best in Blandness

Right now my favorite cracker is the Organic Garlic Naan Crackers available at Trader Joe’s, but not everyone (anyone) wants to deal with that parking lot, and sometimes you just want something plain and simple. For those moments, I decided to conduct an entirely-unscientific poll on which bland cracker is the best and here’s how the results played out:

I figured the main battle would be between Triscuits and Ritz, and I’m not at all shocked that the Ritz came out on top. We are a bland bunch of cracker-eaters, but there’s something special about that salty and buttery Ritz that brings back happy childhood memories of crab dip and Cheese-whiz. We all started somewhere. 

In hindsight, I should have included Saltines in this survey, and maybe I will try again in a few weeks to see if that changes anything. Saltines for me were for sickness. Paired with ginger ale they seemed to be the cure-all for whatever we had as kids. That nostalgia factor might shake things up in the next poll… 

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