

To the Morning Goes the Glory

Summer mornings were once characterized by the open blooms of the morning glory, back when the main concern of the day was whether or not I’d take lunch by the pool or on the patio. I’d love to have such a decision be the only worry of the afternoon, but alas there are more pressing concerns, and adulting must take place even in these dog days of summer. That doesn’t mean there can’t be morning glories, and I passed these while on a quick lunch during an office day. They usually close by early afternoon, but the day was overcast, as most of our days lately have been, so this one was still open, twirling its pin-wheel design like a little gay boy discovering a silk scarf for the first time.

This variety was the wild one we had growing rampant on the fence between our garage and the neighbor’s garage. They offer these blooms of pale lavender and white, in a smaller size than the traditional blue version that gets all the usual, well, glory. I’ve always preferred those blue varieties, so accustomed was I to the one seen here that anything else seemed rare and exotic. Life is so often about perspective. On their own, showcased and framed correctly, these are magnificent in their own right.

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