

Sunflower Splendor

The sunflower has marked many a post here on this 18-year-old website, and every time it makes for a sunny occasion. Two summers ago it was in the form of the song ‘Sunflower’ for a Speedo-clad summer recap. A bouquet of them formed this lead-off image for the Troy Farmer’s Market. Sunflowers formed the impetus to this memory of Provincetown and Montana. A fuller sunflower, well on the way to going to seed, drooped its summer-sleepy head as I reunited with Skip in the age of COVID. A magical store on a side-street in the South End of Boston featured bushels of smiling sunflowers for an enchanting summer scene. A shy sunflower peeked out from this summer recap of 2016, while my ass wasn’t quite as demure

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