

Peonies: 2016

Some years are good years for peonies, some are bad.

This was a pretty good one.

I, on the other hand, was bad – at least as far as taking the time to appreciate and pamper them.

It all just came so quickly – blooms burst forth in a few days of high heat, then we missed a few days in Maine (our peonies like to bloom in private as they traditionally take that weekend to give it up) – and by the time the show was nearing its end, I’d almost forgotten to take a few rounds through the garden to make the most of it. That’s my regret – but it wasn’t entirely my fault, given the piss-poor weather we’ve had off and on.

Next year, I will try to do better.

Next year, I will pause, and sniff, and take in the moment.

No, not just take it in – I will inhabit the moment.

Live in the moment.

Nothing should be taken for granted.

This beautiful specimen was one of the last to bloom.

It’s never too late to show a little gratitude.

Summer is almost here…

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