

Fragile Blooms

“Hygge is a celebration of the spontaneous and honest, a step toward a life that is real and uncontrived. It can’t be summoned by the arrangement of a perfect scene or engineered by a carefully styled table. The essence of hygge is contained in the seeds of our intentions, and it will flourish or wither according to how generously those seeds are planted. Hygge is a fragile bloom that can’t be forced. It often thrives in the unpredictable and imperfect conditions on the margins, where there is space for it to grow unhindered and unobserved – the scruffy restaurant in a back street, or a friend’s quiet apartment.” ~ Louisa Thomsen Brits

Early-to-mid-winter is when I find myself longing for flowers more than any other time of the year, which coincides with the dearth of flowers outside. And so we turn to the greenhouse and the market and the florist, and this beautiful bouquet that cousin Randy sent for Mom’s birthday. The power of the flower is a wonder indeed. In keeping our greenery simple with evergreen cuttings and the bare red branches of the coral bark maple, I’d been going for a more rustic and natural look this season – seeing the colors and beauty here makes me want to incorporate some blooms into our home. 

“In our deeds we can structure our lives so that the simple things that we do every day, from bathing to cooking, have resonance and ritual.” ~ llse Crawford

Winter is the ideal time to simplify, and often a single bouquet makes the necessary difference to turn a typical day into something special. Merely walking by beauty raises the soul and the spirit. It is enough to exist beside it, to take it in, to honor its transient nature, and its lasting effect. 

“”Just living isn’t enough,” said the butterfly, “one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.”” ~ Hans Christian Andersen

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