

Flaming July

July reminds me of this line from ‘Sunset Boulevard’: “Maybe red, bright flaming red – let’s make it gay!” The heat is on, and not just on the street – in the gardens as well, when the warm hues take center stage as the cooler shades of spring have long since faded. These shades are bright and bold, and they have to be to combat the striking sun. 

Summer lends itself to fiery celebrations, especially this weekend, but in these years of our lives I prefer the fireworks to be quietly exploding in the garden alone. Our world is loud and chaotic enough, and summer, while it may be hot, hazy, and lazy, should also be subdued and silent when it can be. The garden can make all the noise, as seen in these bold blooms.

July shouts its arrival in brash and beautiful fashion, moving us deeply into summer. 

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