
Daisies Beginning, Daisies Ending

Our first flush of daisy blooms is subsiding – after the past two days of crazy storms, I don’t blame them for wanting to get the hell out of here. That was madness (thankfully we only lost power for about five hours, as opposed to the three-day ordeal this winter/spring). Things are hopefully calming down a bit (climate-change deniers fuck off please) and maybe we’ll have a decent weekend for some very special guests. 

This post and its duo of daisies is a reminder of how quickly this coquette summer is flying by – a signpost on the sunny season’s journey – and an illumination of the idea that once one blooming cycle ends, another one is ready to begin. In this case, a fresh batch of daisy buds are already showing themselves, continuing the circle of beauty. It’s a good reminder for anyone who gets downtrodden by the endings in life. I’ve sometimes struggled with that too – in these daisies I find a new way to look at things, a subtle slant of perspective that changes my unease and worry just a little. That’s sometimes enough to make all the difference. 

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