

Cherry Blossoms in the Sky

These cherry blossoms, daring to bloom at such an early and treacherous time, are always susceptible to wind and rain and the roughest of spring weather, but before they get torn from their perches I usually manage to get a few pictures of their beauty. For this post, I’m pairing them with a song by Air, a gentle way to end a weekend.

I don’t want to be shy
Can’t stand it anymore
I just want to say ‘Hi’
To the one I love
Cherry blossom girl

I just want to be sure
When I will come to you
When the time will be gone
You will be by my side
Cherry Blossom Girl

Tell me why can’t it be true
I’ll never love again
Can I say that to you
Will you run away
If I try to be true
Cherry blossom girl

Cherry blossom girl
I’ll always be there for you
That means no time to waste
Whenever there’s a chance
Cherry blossom girl
Tell me why can’t it be true
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