

April Showers

This wretched weather of late is decidedly depressing, and coming at a most emotionally- inopportune moment. Most of us are done with the ice and the sleet, and yet there it was the other morning when I woke up, dripping from the hopefully-spared buds on the dogwood tree. This looked to be the best showing thus far of the dogwoods I planted several years ago, and if they end up wasted because of this hateful weather I will be unreasonably pissed. (Intellectually I know there is nothing to be done about such things, but it always puts me in a better mood to bitch.)

In an effort to bring in the spring, I’m posting these photos of the fragrant Korean lilac. The sight alone is almost enough to conjure their intoxicating perfume, and the affiliation of sunnier days. Lord let there be truth to the showers/flowers adage.

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