

A Lilac Winks Through the Rain

Shaking off her wet drooping head, she smiles at me with her sweet perfume, giggling in spite of her wet environs. An extended rainy spell has left us all hungry for Spring Proper. Let’s be fair, we deserve it after winter, but it hasn’t rally happened yet. All we’ve had are all-too-infrequent glimpses of where we should be. Yet this happy lilac provided the smile and the happiness I needed to make it through yet another rainy day. 

For whatever reason, the scent of lilacs recall childhood memories for many people. How did we all come upon this shared fragrance trigger? I’m not sure. Maybe it’s because I’m surrounded by people born and raised in the Northeast, where lilacs find their desired atmospheric conditions. I don’t know and I don’t particularly care – I’m just happy that it’s so. I wish you could smell these. It eases a rainy morning. 

PS – More lilacs are on the way

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