

Dressing Up the Twins

In my home, every day is Halloween, so when the twins visit we invariably explore the attic wardrobe and get a little dressed up. As some have pointed out, my collection of costumes is slightly more extensive than the average Uncle’s house, so we’ve only delved into the tip of this sartorial iceberg. While some adults might be timid about donning such items, the kids took to them with confident aplomb, strutting around the house and inventing a game about an invisible person who showed up in improper attire. Finally, a game I can understand!

On the day of our treasure hunt, with its loose Halloween theme, a bit of dress-up was at last appropriate, so I made like the mainstream and decked the twins out in fabulous style. I was surprised that Noah took to the sequins so readily, and that Emi (after a couple of months of cajoling) finally put on this pink feather number. It was a banner day for all of us.

(And no, you can’t see what I was wearing, because while I’ll do any number of silly things for my niece and nephew, I’m not a circus performer for you. Oh, all right, I am, and I will – I just need better lighting first.)

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