

A Most Colorful Ride

Andy helms the morning ride to work when I need to be at the office, for which I am eternally grateful. After driving myself to work for several years and dealing with a car left out in the heat of summer or the snow and ice of winter, this sort of arrangement is something that I never take for granted. On this particular morning, I slid into the passenger seat and set my striped bag on the floor in front of me, which contained a yellow lunch bag, topped by a pink and persimmon coat, on which I tossed a purple mask. Taken together, they provided a cheerful pop of color that suddenly cheered the otherwise uneventful entry to the work day. 

Color makes me happy, and this unexpected combination zapped the gray of an overcast day entirely away. It’s the little things that get us through a sleepy morning.

It’s the little things that get us through life. 

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