

A Friday as Good as Any

Most Fridays are good, but this one has been officially christened as such by the doctrines of the Catholic faith. That’s right, it’s Good Friday, an ironic name given the story that takes center stage on this day in Catholic history. And while we’re soaking up the irony, here’s me in a baseball cap – the same Red Sox cap I’ve had for a couple of decades. Ideal for bad hair days, or lazy non-shower days (hey, it’s that why this is the de facto accessory for straight guys?) the baseball cap is far too ubiquitous for me to don with any sort of regularity, but once in a while, when I’m feeling down, or just want to blend in unnoticed, I’ll slip it on like some not-so-elaborate disguise that instantly puts me below the radar. My own little invisibility cloak. Perfect for a Friday good or bad. 

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