

You Will Not Remember This

Watching my niece and nephew I am struck with the question of how much of this time they will remember – if any of it. I honestly can’t remember anything before the age of four or five – these children are a little over one year old. The things I do remember are vague and random images – the wooden paneling of the family room, the old furniture of my bedroom, the dog’s seizure in the middle of the night. I remember feelings and emotions – the fear at the sight of my brother’s blood as they wheeled him into the emergency room, the sadness at leaving my Mom during the first week of nursery school, the excitement at having my Dad swim in the pool with us. But again, these were all a few years later than the age the twins are now.

Even though they may not remember these days, surely they have an impact on the people these two will become. To that end, the best I can do is surround them with love, protect them from danger and sadness, and make them smile and laugh.


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