

The Cutest Godchild Ever

Bringing a batch of birthday blondies to my brother, I got to see this little guy just maxing out and relaxing in the sunlight of a Sunday afternoon. Jaxon is one happy little baby, content to rock in his chair and let the world do its thing, while he watches and observes, occasionally cracking a smile or wincing at the foolishness of all us adults hustling and bustling about. At only seven months old, he already has a certain centered peace to him, and though I am usually good about hightailing it out when a crying fit might be about to occur (I’ve got a heightened-sense about it thanks to several years of practice with these two) even when he cries it’s not the crazy mess that babies can sometimes become. 

His chill, laid-back attitude bodes well for coping in a world where insanity is the order of the day. Luckily, everyone is making sure he’s kept peaceful and comfortable for as long as possible. There will be time enough to grow up later. For now, we enjoy a sunny day at the end of February. 

His expressions are such that I could easily fill the rest of this blog’s life up with pictures of Jaxon alone. That’s a comforting thought for when I scrape the bottom of the barrel for content, and for those who are over my own tired shenanigans. ‘The Life & Times of Jaxon Layne’ has a certain gorgeous ring to it… 

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