

Sunday Brunch, Family-Style

Closing out this summer with a Sunday brunch seemed the right thing to do, and when our family and extended family is involved, it was a labor of love and happiness. With the exception of a watermelon and jalapeno appetizer (which we’ll get into in more detail later) I went a more traditional route, foregoing such fanciness as those day-glo Dutch eggs we did last time

Elaine brought the deviled eggs – a dish I happen to love but always balk at the idea of making. It’s so much nicer when someone else cooks – and it tastes better too. 

Continuing on the savory side of things, I made a first attempt at corned beef hash with some roasted potatoes. Both look dismal in photos but for honest documentation of this meal they are here regardless. Trust me that the taste was more impressive than the appearance. 

Faring better in the looks and tasting department, these were Suzie’s delicious lemon and cardamom sweet rolls, with a cream cheese topping. By far the best thing I tasted that morning, Suzie is now required to bring this, or some variation thereof, to every event we hold from this day forward. That’s the problem with being really good at something: the world will demand you do it again. 

A Filipino frittata and more coffee-cake rounded out the meal, which left me stuffed and satiated from all the good food and good company. 

Speaking of company, that’s the secret ingredient of any brunch – and all of my brunches have been a blast because I know the best people. 

And they make the best unposed expressions. 

When the days turn cooler, and the nights arrive quicker, I’ll think back to this end-of-summer celebration and it will warm my heart. 

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