
On the Hunt for Easter 2018

Family, fun and non-phones dominated this year’s Easter festivities, starting off with an Easter egg hunt through the Ilagan home, which found Emi and Noah bounding through rooms and snatching up eggs behind every pillow, book and vase. As with all things involving the twins, there was a bit of a competition, and even with the promise that they would even out their treasure at the end of it all the morning verged on upset – luckily it passed as quickly as it erupted. (Word of advice for next year: evenly dole out the eggs and put a name on each one. If they find one that doesn’t belong to them they leave it alone and move on. Why is a non-parent like me the one who has to think of these things?)

After that passed, we sat for a lovely early dinner, with ham and yams and all the typical fixings (green beans exotic of course). Emi sat between me and Uncle Andy, where she showed us her iPod (not a phone, seriously) which she had received for her birthday.

Andy and Emi have always had their own secret language. She noticed early on that he was the only person in the family with blue eyes.

She shares his mischievous sense of humor, and was happy to share in a few selfies.

A bit of sun crept into the day, with a glimpse of blue sky. We took the opportunity and stepped outside for a bit, a tradition usually reserved for nicer days, but this would have to do.

As the wind whipped around us, I got the twins to pause briefly and smile for the camera. We’ll do a more extensive posing session when it gets a bit warmer.

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