Today marks my mother’s birthday, the number of which shall remain private, not that she would mind, but a lady never reveals her age or weight, and everything I know about being a proper lady I learned from my mother. The lady part is a joke, but the sentiment is true: so much of what I know about honor, honesty, deportment and class was taught to me by my Mom.
I remember going to the supermarket with her when we were little kids, riding in the little seat of the shopping cart, and watching as she went about her routine. I’d see various people recognize her, but more often than not she wouldn’t even notice, too preoccupied and focused on getting everything on her grocery list. It wasn’t that she was rude or intentionally ignoring anyone, she simply had other tasks on her mind and went about her business blissfully unconcerned with other people’s watchful eyes. That was a powerful lesson: if you focus on your own stuff it’s much easier to stay out of trouble and play no part in local gossip. I don’t know if anyone ever thought her aloof or unapproachable because of it. I do know that I’ve been tagged as such over the years, and it always tickles me. I learned it by watching her.
Happy Birthday Mom!