
My Godson Turns Two

Jaxon Layne turns two today, and we celebrated with the family on a mostly beautiful day in which he was mostly awake. Not even an afternoon rainstorm could dampen my godson’s enjoyment, and seeing him run and frolic in the summer rain was a healing moment, illuminating all that is good and hopeful in the world. He seemed to have a fine time, and any happy reason to bring the family together is a good thing these days. 

While he has only just turned two years old, he occasionally exhibits some hilarious old-man poses and traits, such as in the post-birthday-cupcake stance – which he adopted for just as long as the phone could capture this shot. Glimpses of an old-soul prove there is more at work in the world than we can ever know. It’s a comfort to think about that, to see the next generation just beginning their journeys

Happy birthday, my precious godson – you are loved and cherished, and I look forward to seeing where you head into these not-so-terribles twos. 


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