

Mom’s Birthday

A very happy birthday goes out to my Mom today – and even in this pandemic-riddled world I hope she finds a bit of the joy and happiness that she so richly deserves. By the time this post goes up, she will have already received her gifts, so I’ll get into the slight change-up this year brings. Traditionally, I’d be gifting her with a Broadway show or something to wear to said production.

That proving impossible this year, I’ve replaced the outfit with a cashmere cowl-neck sweater, for maximum luxury and comfort while staying cozy at home, and a perfume from Henry Rose, because there’s no reason why we can’t be slightly glamorous even while home. (Henry Rose also has an environmentally-sound and friendly history, with a transparent ingredient list that is as impressive and feel-good as its end result is exquisite.) Finally, a hard-cover printing of ‘Country Flowers’ by Lee Bailey will hopefully provide some inspiration for the spring that is to come. We’ll fill it out with some flowers and knick-knacks from Faddegon’s. 

My Mom has been the one to keep the family together over these last five decades, and I learned that difficult hat-trick directly from her. These days she takes good care of my Dad, a momentous act of love and devotion, something only a professor of nursing could handle with such grace and competence. I know and I see how much work that takes, so whenever I can I’ll drop off food and offer whatever I can safely offer within our current circumstances. She doesn’t need much from my end, because she’s that effective as nurse and wife and mother. 

For today, though, I hope she gets to enjoy the happiness and relaxation and indulgence she doesn’t always find. I love you, Mom – Happy Birthday! 

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